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Postdoctoral Fellows


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Raji Nair, Ph.D., 2016-2022
Program Management Associate, Monopar Therapeutics Inc. Chicago, IL

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Kaylee Steen, Ph.D., 2017-2019
Associate Director, Professional Development and Trainee Support, Office of Gradate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Michigan

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Ryan Hobbs, Ph.D., 2011-2017
Assistant Profesor in the Department of Dermatology, The Pennsylvania State University School of Medicine

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Michelle Kerns, M.D., 2013-2016
Dermatology Faculty at Cleveland Clinic 


Justin Chung, Ph.D., 2009-2015
Scientific Review Office, Cancer Diagnosis, Prevention & Therapeutics Review Branch, Cancer Prevention Study Section, NIH

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Jin-Seob Kim, Ph.D., 2009-2012
Senior Lecturer in the Department of Medical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University.


Daryle DePianto, Ph.D., 2003-2009
Senior Research Associate at Genentech, San Francisco, CA

Li-Hong Gu, Ph.D., 2002-2006

Currently taking classes and examinations to secure the licensing to practice medicine and dermatology in the US

Pauline Wong, PhD, 1998-2005

Director and Analytical Technical Specialist at Novavas, Gaithersburg, MD

Olivier Bousquet, Ph.D., 1996-2000

Art Gallery Director in Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Kevin McGowan, Ph.D., 1996-2000

Core Facility Director at the HHMI Janelia Farm, VA

Kenzo Takahashi, Ph.D., 1993-1997

Faculty, Department of Dermatology at Okinawa University, Japan

Ph.D. Students

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Catherine Redmond, Program in Biomedical Science (PIBS), University of Michigan, 2019-2024
Research Fellow, MCDB, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

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Yang Xu, Program in Biomedical Science (PIBS), University of Michigan, 2019-2024
Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Radiation Oncology, UC San Francisco, San Francisco, CA


Justin Jacob, Boichem & Molecular Biology (BMB) Graduate Program (BSPH), 2012-2018
Laboratory Chief, District of Columbia Department of Forensic Sciences/Public Health Laboratory Division

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Yajuan Guo, Boichem & Molecular Biology (BMB) Graduate Program (BSPH), 2012-2018
Scientific Liaison Officer, Jacobio, Beijing, China


Abigail Zieman, Boichem & Molecular Biology (BMB) Graduate Program (BSPH), 2012-2018
Research Scientist II at Applied Medical, Racho Santa Margarita, CA

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Fengrong Wang, Boichem & Molecular Biology (BMB) Graduate Program (BSPH), 2011-2018
Research Investigator in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Michigan

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Xia Feng, Boichem & Molecular Biology (BMB) Graduate Program (BSPH), 2009-2014
Research Scientist, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

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David Alvarado, Boichem & Molecular Biology (BMB) Graduate Program (BSPH), 2007-2014
Assistant Professor of Surgery at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, St Louis, MO

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Xiaoou Pan, Cell Molecular Medicine (CMM) Graduate Program (SOM), 2007-2012
Clinical Trial Project Coordinator/Cardiology Research Coordinator, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami, FL


Juliane Lessard, Boichem Cell Mol (BCMB) Graduate Program (SOM), 2007-2012
Director, Division of Drug Delivery, General Hospital Device, and Human Factors, OHT3, CDRH, FDA


Jeremy Rotty, Boichem Cell Mol (BCMB) Graduate Program (SOM), 2005-2011
Assistant Professor at the Uniformed Service University

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Chang-Hun Lee, Boichem Chemistry Graduate Program (SOM), 2002-2008
Associate Professor at Daegu Gyeonbuk Institute of Science & Technology (S. Korea)

Gerard Beaudoin III, Neduroscience Graduate Program (SOM), 2002-2005

Dr. Beaudoin was co-mentored by Drs. Pierre Coulombe and Catherine Thompson

 Faculty member at Trinity University

Seyun Kim, Biological Chemistry Graduate Program (SOM), 2001-2006

Associate Professor at the Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology

Xuemei Tong, Biological Chemistry Graduate Program (SOM), 2000-2006

Faculty at Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, China

Kelsie Bernot, Biochem Cell Mol Biol (BCMB) Graduate Program (SOM), 1997-2005

Assistant Professor of Biology at North Carolina A&T State University

Nicholas Bianchi, Human Genetics Program (SOM), 1997-2005

Patent Lawyer, practicing in the state of Illinois

Soichiro Yamada, JHU Whiting School of Engineering, 1997-2001

Dr. Yamada was co-mentored by Drs. Pierre Coulombe and Scot Kuo and Denis Wirtz

Faculty at University of California, Davis

Stay Mazzalupo, Cell Molecular Medicine (CMM) Graduate Program (SOM), 1996-2002

Senior Scientist at Leica Biosystems, Danvers, MA

Linglei Ma, Biological Chemistry Graduate Program (SOM), 1996-2001

Dermo-pathologist in private practice in the state of Maryland

Matt Wawersik, Biochem Cell Mol Biol (BCMB) Gradiate Program (SOM), 1997-2005

Faculty at the College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA

Rudolf Paladini, Biochem Cell Mol Biol (BCMB) Gradiate Program (SOM), 1995-2001

Senior Scientist at Halozyme Therapeutics, San Deigo, CA

Master of Science (Sc. M) Students

(Two-year program including 14 months full-time research)

Han Liu, 2016-2017

Currently a graduate student in the Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology Graduate Program, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Lesley Summerville, 2016-2017

Currently a medical student at Case Western Reserve University School of medicine, Cleveland, OH

Joshua  Hsu, 2015-2017

Currently a medical student at New York Medicine College, Valhalla, NY


Joseph Shen, 2015-2017

Currently a medical student at Washington State University College of Medicine, Pullman, WA


Krystynne Leacock, 2015-2017

Currently a Research Assistant at Harvard University Medical School, Boston, MA

Stefan Prendergast, 2014-2016

Currently an Associate Consultant, Life Sciences at L.E.K. Consulting, New York, NY

Rosemary Lu, 2014-2016

Currently a medical student at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, New York, NY

Artem Arutyunov, 2012-2014

Currently a medical student at Washington University in St. Louis, MO

Adriana Batazzi, 2012-2014

Currently a Clinical Research Program Coordinator, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University,  Baltimore, MD

Erika Maria Ilagan, 2011-2013

Currently a Life Science Consultant at Putnam Associates, Boston, MA

Andrew Sawaya, 2009-2011

Currently a Postdoc Fellow at NIAMS, Bethesda, MD

Master in Health Science (MHS) Students

Laura Budurlean, 2015-2016

Danyelle Fraser, 2015-2016

Michael Held, 2014-2015

Jeannette Cheng, 2013-2014

Heidi Zhang, 2013-2014

Berenice Gerard, 2012-2013

Joyce Song, 2012-2013

Kil Sung Yang, 2012-2013

Erika Maria Ilagan, 2011-2012

Chevonne Parris-Skeete, 2011-2012

Other Laboratory Research Trainees

Sanjana Arun, Undergraduate Research Assistant (from JHU), 2019-2021

Currently a Research Technician at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA

Caroline Shah, Undergraduate Research Assistant (from U-M), 2018-2021

Currently a Research Technician at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL

Samuel Black, Undergraduate Research Assistant (from JHU), 2014-2016

Currently a medical student at Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE

Jill Hakim, Undergraduate Research Assistant (from JHU), 2013-2016

Currently a graduate student at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Alex Sylvia Pina, Post-baccalaureate Scholar, 2011-2012

Currently a Resident Physician at Highland Hospital, Oakland, CA

Minerva Han, Undergraduate Research Assistant (from JHU), 2008-2011

Currently a dental school student at University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Andrea Benedict, graduate student, Pharmacology Gradate Program (SOM), 2007-2009 (co-advisee with Drs. Paul Talalay and Albena Dinkova-Kostova)

Currently a Pharmacologist, Federal Drug Administration, MD

Hee Jin Bae, Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2006-2008

Hsin-Yang Li, Visiting Scientist (sabbatical), 2003-2004

Faculty member, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Zhiling Wang, Visiting Associate Professor (sabbatical), 2002-2003

Faculty member, Hebai Medical University, Hebai China

Epithelial Homeostasis in Health and Disease

COPYRIGHT © Dr. Pierre Coulombe 2024

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